Worship Services in English
(10am in ENGLISH and 12 noon in TONGAN.)
Both services are on our Facebook Page.

10:00 AM – English Worship Service
This is a blended service with traditional and contemporary elements. We begin with the traditional Polynesian blowing of a shell, which symbolizes calling the Holy Spirit to be present. We utilize a projector and screen and project lyrics, announcements, and video. Musically, we mostly sing hymns, traditional songs, and have contemplative music. From time to time, we have praise music and presentations of dance: hula and sign dance. In short, we try to have a little something for everyone.
Pastor Won-Seok Yuh is the primary preacher.
Childcare is available up through preschool age. We have Sunday School for children kindergarten through eighth grade. The children come to worship for the first several minutes of worship, and then after a message for all generations and special music, the children leave for class until about 11 a.m.
Young Adult Ministry and Sunday Bible study meet following worship.