The Preschool has been in operation since 1971, serving the needs of families in the community for a loving, caring Christian environment for their children, ages 2 to 5 years.

The Preschool is accredited by the National Academy of Early Childhood Programs, having demonstrated substantial compliance with the nationally recognized Criteria for High Quality Early Childhood Programs, is licensed by the State of Hawai`i, and is a 501(c)(3) organization.

Educational programs are based on Piaget’s theory that children respond most positively to hands-on experience. Activities enhance socialization skills, large and small muscle development, creative and dramatic play, language, pre-reading and math skills, and spiritual values. The love of God as expressed through Jesus Christ is taught through interactions of the teachers and children, and by modeling Christian behavior. Prayer, Bible stories and verses, songs, and celebrations reinforce that faith.

Two year olds need not be toilet trained.

The Preschool is open year-round from 6:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. If you would like more information about enrolling your child(ren), please contact our Preschool Director, Helena Ogle at (808) 522-9565, or email at